gulf coast

Twelve Oaks Residency 8


Seems to see that all those doors closed up on purpose or by providence or - well, they got ways of creakin’ open, eventually, and another soul-part might be hiding there. You can get lost out here, i almost did yesterday. In the blinding of the setting sun, truly a blazing magnificent star among all of those old pines. Moving through the woods into the sun my heart pounding because another land had truly opened up, it seemed, it was blued in the true shadows around the sun and beautiful. I knew for certain, for a moment, that i had gone on. The sun shifted from its brilliance to these bluer shadows and i came back to earth, Wilbur pulling on his leash.


Get lost - the trail is secret and winding the first second third lap, and you’re still nervous. After that you arent so lost. You get to finding. Instead of the trail, while you’re pacing it, its your own mind you can get lost in. Pullin on doorknobs to see who is there.


It seems as though things really just appear out of the ground, you know, you could say they spring out. To see the woods in its many coats. Curious to see if the live oaks lose their resurrection fern wooly sweaters or keep them among all of the colors all year. I hope so. The blackberries are beginning to flower. Watching all of the small green things come up, slowly, carefully, as it’s still cold and threatening.


a whole world of smilin story tellin folks and i look up and look around & smile smile smile too (i love all of you!) Folks seem like they are just streaming in and i got my shell, same as that turtle, curious & darting.

Strange to live in a place that belongs to everybody, with their lights & flash & photography & family.
Old dogs, young children, all the promise of the woods hidden, hidden. i got my favorite view of the trail, let me show you sometime. The hard lines of the trees & the bright sunset light.

Smudging up my own eyes for a minute. Kicking pine needles. Burying, burrowing animals digging their own quilts into the dirt & continuous.


I said this earlier, but different, and this is how i wrote it down so i guess i’ll tell it again:

walking into the light, the sunset at 4:30, the gloaming - walking into it all - the sun so bright . deep into the trees its hard to see, convinced for five slippery minutes we is truly on the next, the other path, some where. Stopping, so certain we could be next-dimension. The trees, the pines, each skin, all bark, it’s own. Lighting into the sky as night leans down.
